Thursday, October 5, 2017

"Be Kind to Yourself"

In my depression, creative writing is my greatest solace and catharsis.

With inspiration from Rupi Kaur (the poet featured above), I wrote the below piece:

"Be Kind to Yourself"

Be kind to yourself, 
Be soft & gentle. 
Don't beat yourself up, 
Learn to recognize your potential. 

Feed yourself the finest foods, 
& dress yourself in the nicest clothes. 
Even for the things you cannot afford, 
Treat yourself with what you hold. 

Don't listen to the negativity, the toxicity, of others. 
Let the light shine within yourself. 
When you are feeling down and worthless, 
You are failing to see your own wealth. 

Be kind to yourself. 
Be who you are & do what you aspire to do. 
Love and care for every part of your being. 
Because often, the world will not be kind to you. 

              - Sky Lea Ross

Thanks for reading. <3